Important: This documentation covers Yarn 1 (Classic).
For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

Package detail


aaronccasanova36MIT0.3.0TypeScript support: included

React hook wrapping the Web Notification API.



React hook wrapping the Web Notification API.


npm install use-notification
import { useNotification } from 'use-notification'

useNotification ReturnType

interface UseNotificationReturnType {
   * Represents the permission status for displaying web notifications on
   * the current origin.
   * @example 'default' | 'denied' | 'granted'
  permission: NotificationPermission | null
   * Any error thrown while initializing the Notification constructor.
  error: Error | null
   * Requests permission to display web notifications.
  requestPermission: () => Promise<void>
   * Triggers a web notification.
   * Note: The function signature matches the web Notification constructor one
   * to one. See the MDN documentation for more information:
  notify: (
    title: Notification['title'],
    options?: NotificationOptions,
  ) => Notification | null


Note: The API is intentionally minimal and unopinionated to ensure the hook is flexible enough to handle multiple use cases. The following examples demonstrate some common configurations.

Example: Simple Notification

DemoCode Sandbox

import { useNotification } from 'use-notification'

function App() {
  const { permission, error, requestPermission, notify } = useNotification()

  if (error) {
    return (
        Notification Error:

  return (
      {permission === 'default' && (
        <button onClick={requestPermission}>Enable Notifications</button>
      <button onClick={() => notify('Hi')}>Notify</button>