Important: This documentation covers Yarn 1 (Classic).
For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

Package detail


bent1039MIT1.0.4TypeScript support: included

Enables DOM manipulation and comment injection during the build process

vite, vite-plugin, html, htmlparser2, dom, domhandler, domutils, dom-serializer


Vite Plugin DOM

Vite Plugin DOM is a ViteJS plugin that enables DOM manipulation and comment injection during the build process. This plugin allows you to modify the parsed HTML and inject comments into specific DOM elements based on provided selectors. You can control the application of this plugin based on the Vite build modes and specify custom handling functions.


To use Vite Plugin DOM, first, make sure you have Vite installed in your project. Then, install the plugin using npm or yarn:

# With npm
npm i -D vite-plugin-dom

# With yarn
yarn add vite-plugin-dom --dev


To use the plugin, simply import it and add it to the plugins array in your Vite config file:

// vite.config.js
import pluginDom from 'vite-plugin-dom'

export default {
  plugins: [
      applyOnMode: true,
      comments: {
        tags: ['div', /$h[1-6]$/],
        classes: ['highlight'],
        ids: ['header']
      handler: element => {
        // Modify the element here
      onComplete: (dom, error) => {
        if (error) {
          console.error('DOM parsing error:', error)
        } else {
          console.log('DOM parsing complete:', dom)

In the code above, the plugin will be applied to all modes, and it will add comments to div and h1 elements, elements with the class highlight, and the element with the ID header. The handler function will also be called for each element, allowing you to perform custom modifications. The onComplete function will log the parsed DOM or any parsing errors.


The plugin accepts the following options:

applyOnMode (default: ['static'])

Specifies the modes on which the plugin should be applied. When set to true, the plugin will be applied on all modes. When set to an array of strings, the plugin will be applied only on the specified modes.

  applyOnMode: ['development', 'production']


Selectors to match comments. The plugin will add comments to elements that match these selectors.

  comments: {
    tags: ['div', 'p'], // Array of tag names to match for adding comments.
    classes: ['highlight', /theme-.*/], // Array of class names or regular expressions to match for adding comments.
    ids: ['section1', /^chapter.*/] // Array of element IDs or regular expressions to match for adding comments.


A callback function to handle elements in the DOM. This function will be called for each element in the DOM tree.

  handler: element => {
    // add `[data-toggle="dropdown"]` to the dropdown toggler
    if (domHas(elem, 'class', ['dropdown', 'dropup'])) {
      // find toggler element
      const toggler = this.findOne(
        node => !!node.attribs['aria-expanded'],

      if (toggler) {
        toggler.attribs['data-toggle'] = 'dropdown'


A callback function to handle the complete DOM after parsing. This function will be called once the DOM parsing is complete.

  onComplete: (dom, error) => {
    // Handle the complete DOM here


The plugin exports the following utility functions for additional DOM manipulation:

domHas(elem: Element, attrName: string, pattern: string | RegExp | Array<string | RegExp>): boolean

Checks if an element has a given attribute with the provided pattern.

<div id="foo" class="bar">...</div>

Let's say the elem object is refer to the above markup:

import { domHas } from 'vite-plugin-dom'

// test by id
const hasFoo = domHas(elem, 'id', 'foo') // true
const hasFoo = domHas(elem, 'id', 'qux') // false
// test by class
const hasBar = domHas(elem, 'class', ['qux', /bar/]) // true



A project by Stilearning © 2022-2023.


vite-plugin-dom 1.0.4 (2024-08-29)

Bug Fixes

vite-plugin-dom 1.0.3 (2024-02-03)

Bug Fixes

vite-plugin-dom 1.0.2 (2023-08-15)

Bug Fixes

  • deps: update dependency htmlparser2 to v9 (aa6a4ce)

vite-plugin-dom 1.0.1 (2023-08-01)

Bug Fixes

  • updates the plugin name (5a7c02a)

vite-plugin-dom 1.0.0 (2023-08-01)


  • init vite-plugin-purgecss (57d2b35)