Important: This documentation covers Yarn 1 (Classic).
For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

Package detail


validator343.7kMIT24.10.17TypeScript support: definitely-typed

Provides the Nu Html Checker «vnu.jar» file

checker, html, lint, linter, jar, nu, validator, vnu, w3c


The Nu Html Checker (v.Nu) Chat room Download latest

The Nu Html Checker (v.Nu) helps you catch unintended mistakes in your HTML, CSS, and SVG. It enables you to batch-check documents from the command line and from other scripts/apps, and to deploy your own instance of the checker as a service (like Its source code is available, as are instructions on how to build, test, and run the code.

vnu.jar is a packaged version of the Nu Html Checker for batch-checking documents from the command line and from other scripts/apps.

You can work with vnu.jar in CommonJS modules.

Install latest release version

npm install --save vnu-jar

Install 'next' version

npm install --save vnu-jar@next


'use strict';

const { execFile } = require('child_process');
const vnu = require('vnu-jar');

// Print path to vnu.jar

// Work with vnu.jar, for example get vnu.jar version
execFile('java', ['-jar', `"${vnu}"`, '--version'], { shell: true }, (error, stdout) => {
    if (error) {
        console.error(`exec error: ${error}`);


UsageRun the checker with one of the following invocations:

vnu-runtime-image/bin/vnu OPTIONS FILES (Linux or macOS)

vnu-runtime-image\bin\vnu.bat OPTIONS FILES (Windows)

java -jar ~/vnu.jar OPTIONS FILES (any system with Java8+ installed)

…where FILES are the documents to check, and OPTIONS are zero or more of the following options:

--errors-only --Werror --exit-zero-always --stdout --asciiquotes
--user-agent USER_AGENT --no-langdetect --no-stream --filterfile FILENAME
--filterpattern PATTERN --css --skip-non-css --also-check-css --svg
--skip-non-svg --also-check-svg --xml --html --skip-non-html
--format gnu|xml|json|text --help --verbose --version

The Options section below provides details on each option, and the rest of this section provides some specific examples.

Note: Throughout these examples, replace ~/vnu.jar with the actual path to that jar file on your system, and replace vnu-runtime-image/bin/vnu and vnu-runtime-image\bin\vnu.bat with the actual path to the vnu or vnu.bat program on your system — or if you add the vnu-runtime-image/bin or vnu-runtime-image\bin directory your system PATH environment variable, you can invoke the checker with just vnu.

To check one or more documents from the command line:

  vnu-runtime-image/bin/vnu      FILE.html FILE2.html FILE3.html...

  vnu-runtime-image\bin\vnu.bat  FILE.html FILE2.html FILE3.html...

  java -jar ~/vnu.jar            FILE.html FILE2.html FILE3.html...

Note: If you get a StackOverflowError error when invoking the checker, try adjusting the thread stack size by providing the -Xss option to java:

  java -Xss512k -jar ~/vnu.jar ...

  vnu-runtime-image/bin/java -Xss512k \
      -m vnu/nu.validator.client.SimpleCommandLineValidator ...

To check all documents in a particular directory DIRECTORY_PATH as HTML:

  java -jar ~/vnu.jar            DIRECTORY_PATH

  vnu-runtime-image/bin/vnu      DIRECTORY_PATH

  vnu-runtime-image\bin\vnu.bat  DIRECTORY_PATH

More examples

Note: The examples in this section assume you have the vnu-runtime-image/bin or vnu-runtime-image\bin directory in your system PATH environment variable. If you’re using the jar file instead, replace vnu in the examples with java -jar ~/vnu.jar.

To check all documents in a particular directory DIRECTORY_PATH as HTML, but skip any documents whose names don’t end with the extensions .html, .htm, .xhtml, or .xht:

  vnu --skip-non-html DIRECTORY_PATH

To check all documents in a particular directory as CSS:

  vnu --css DIRECTORY_PATH

To check all documents in a particular directory as CSS, but skip any documents whose names don’t end with the extension .css:

  vnu --skip-non-css DIRECTORY_PATH

To check all documents in a particular directory, with documents whose names end in the extension .css being checked as CSS, and all other documents being checked as HTML:

  vnu --also-check-css DIRECTORY_PATH

To check all documents in a particular directory as SVG:

  vnu --svg DIRECTORY_PATH

To check all documents in a particular directory as SVG, but skip any documents whose names don’t end with the extension .svg:

  vnu --skip-non-svg DIRECTORY_PATH

To check all documents in a particular directory, with documents whose names end in the extension .svg being checked as SVG, and all other documents being checked as HTML:

  vnu --also-check-svg DIRECTORY_PATH

To check a Web document:

  vnu _URL_

  example: vnu

To check standard input:

  vnu -


  echo '<!doctype html><title>...' | vnu -

  echo '<!doctype html><title>...' | java -jar ~/vnu.jar -


When used from the command line as described in this section, the checker provides the following options:


Specifies whether ASCII quotation marks are substituted for Unicode smart
quotation marks in messages.

default: [unset; Unicode smart quotation marks are used in messages]


Specifies that only error-level messages and non-document-error messages are
reported (so that warnings and info messages are not reported).

default: [unset; all messages reported, including warnings & info messages]


Makes the checker exit non-zero if any warnings are encountered (even if
there are no errors).

default: [unset; checker exits zero if only warnings are encountered]


Makes the checker exit zero even if errors are reported for any documents.

default: [unset; checker exits 1 if errors are reported for any documents]


Makes the checker report errors and warnings to stdout rather than stderr.

default: [unset; checker reports errors and warnings to stderr]

--filterfile FILENAME

Specifies a filename. Each line of the file contains either a regular
expression or starts with "#" to indicate the line is a comment. Any error
message or warning message that matches a regular expression in the file is
filtered out (dropped/suppressed).

default: [unset; checker does no message filtering]

--filterpattern REGEXP

Specifies a regular expression. Any error message or warning message that
matches the regular expression is filtered out (dropped/suppressed).

As with all other checker options, this option may only be specified once.
So to filter multiple error messages or warning messages, you must provide a
single regular expression that will match all the messages. The typical way
to do that for regular expressions is to OR multiple patterns together using
the "|" character.

default: [unset; checker does no message filtering]

--format format

Specifies the output format for reporting the results.

default: "gnu"

possible values: "gnu", "xml", "json", "text" [see information at URL below]


Shows detailed usage information.


Check documents as CSS but skip documents that dont have *.css extensions.

default: [unset; all documents found are checked]


Force all documents to be checked as CSS, regardless of extension.

default: [unset]


Check documents as SVG but skip documents that dont have *.svg extensions.

default: [unset; all documents found are checked]


Force all documents to be checked as SVG, regardless of extension.

default: [unset]


Skip documents that dont have *.html, *.htm, *.xhtml, or *.xht extensions.

default: [unset; all documents found are checked, regardless of extension]


Forces any *.xhtml or *.xht documents to be parsed using the HTML parser.

default: [unset; XML parser is used for *.xhtml and *.xht documents]


Forces any *.html documents to be parsed using the XML parser.

default: [unset; HTML parser is used for *.html documents]


Check CSS documents (in addition to checking HTML documents).

default: [unset; no documents are checked as CSS]


Check SVG documents (in addition to checking HTML documents).

default: [unset; no documents are checked as SVG]

--user-agent USERAGENT_

Specifies the value of the User-Agent request header to send when checking

default: ""


Disables language detection, so that documents are not checked for missing
or mislabeled html[lang] attributes.

default: [unset; language detection & html[lang] checking are performed]


Forces all documents to be be parsed in buffered mode instead of streaming
mode (causes some parse errors to be treated as non-fatal document errors
instead of as fatal document errors).

default: [unset; non-streamable parse errors cause fatal document errors]


Specifies "verbose" output. (Currently this just means that the names of
files being checked are written to stdout.)

default: [unset; output is not verbose]


Shows the checker version number.


With a few exceptions, this is a record of mainly just user-facing changes — that is, either changes to the actual behavior of the checker, or changes to any options/interfaces the checker exposes for developers.



  • Require Java 11; stop supporting Java 8
  • Report void elements that have a trailing slash in their start tags
  • Skip template contents when checking for duplicate IDs (bug fix)
  • Allow loading attribute for the iframe element (lazy loading)
  • Allow autocomplete=username with input[type=email]
  • Allow operator=lighter for SVG feComposite element
  • Allow more values for SVG feBlend element mode attribute
  • Allow non-JS MIME types for script elements with src attributes
  • Fix bug in handling of (non)reporting of invalid named character refs
  • CLI: Add|test classes to vnu.jar
  • CLI: Add new --xml option, to force parsing using the XML parser
  • CLI/Docker: Enable setting timeouts & bind address w/ environment vars
  • CSS: Support color-adjust
  • Docker: Migrate Dockerfile to “distroless” image (reduces image size)
  • ARIA: Added many changes to align with current ARIA in HTML and ARIA specs
  • Update doc-fetching backend to Apache HTTP Components HttpClient 4.5.9
  • Make the checker use HTTP 1.0 for all requests it sends, not HTTP 1.1
  • Make the checker ignore error for malformed/missing HTTP closing chunk
  • Release: All autopublished-on-push release artifacts are now released under the tag latest; no more jar, war, windows, linux, osx
  • Docker: Image moved to
  • NPMs now released to GitHub Packages, in addition to
  • Maven packages now released to GitHub Packages, in addition to Central
  • Add --additional-java-system-properties option for build script


30 June 2020

  • CLI: Add new --stdout option, to report all messages to stdout
  • CLI: Ensure the --version option reports the actual version
  • CLI: Actually check SVG files, rather than just seeming to (bug fix)
  • CSS: Improvements in calc(), min()/max() checking, more
  • Allow height and width attributes for SVG symbol element
  • Allow capture attribute for the input[type=file] element
  • Allow disabled attribute for the link[rel=stylesheet] element
  • Treat custom elements as labelable elements for label[for] handling
  • ARIA: Fix bug that disallowed implicit combobox/listbox for select
  • ARIA: Improve error message for alt-less img with ARIA attributes
  • ARIA: Allow section[role=doc-glossary]


16 March 2020

  • Disallow accept-charset values other than UTF-8
  • Disallow object[typemustmatch]
  • Allow SVG feDropShadow element (from Filter Effects spec)
  • Allow loading attribute for the img element (lazy loading)
  • Allow rel=modulepreload for the link element
  • Allow integrity attribute on link[rel=preload|modulepreload]
  • Allow integrity attribute on script[type=module]
  • Allow autofocus as a global attribute
  • Allow inputmode as a global attribute
  • Allow nonce as a global attribute
  • Allow allow-downloads in iframe[sandbox]
  • Allow heading content within legend element
  • Allow negated media features in media and sizes attributes
  • Align autocomplete checking with current spec
  • CSS: Improve support for color values
  • ARIA: Allow implicit roles to satisfy owned-by requirements
  • ARIA: Add proper ARIA checking for the math element
  • ARIA: Align all role checking with current HTML-ARIA spec
  • Add option to specify additional script for Web-based checker
  • CLI: Make --errors-only option take precedence over --Werror
  • CLI: Enable checking standard input as SVG or CSS
  • Include binary runtime images in release (alternative to jar/war)
  • Dockerfile: Switch to using binary runtime image rather than jar
  • Add script to repo (for building/testing/running checker)
  • Add option to bind to specific IP address (rather than all interfaces)


05 November 2018

  • Fix bugs that can cause the command-line checker to emit broken JSON output
  • Allow dppx and x and units in media queries


29 August 2018

  • CSS: Allow unit-less values for stroke-width and other from-SVG props
  • CSS: Bring checking up to date w/ CSS Align3; support font-display


23 July 2018

  • Disable logging in the language detector


22 July 2018

  • Allow the decoding attribute for the img element
  • Allow the allow attribute for the iframe element (initial support)
  • Align ARIA checking further with ARIA in HTML spec requirements
  • Restore the language-detection feature to vnu.jar command-line checker
  • Ensure vnu.jar is always runnable under Java8, even if built under Java9


24 March 2018

  • Add new major (optional) feature to command-line checker, Web-based checker, and network API to check CSS documents (in addition to HTML documents)
  • Add new major feature to check that style element contents and style attribute values in HTML documents are valid CSS
  • Add new (optional) feature to command-line checker to check SVG documents
  • Add new option to command-line checker for specifying User-Agent string
  • Add Dockerfile to Docker Hub
  • Add ability to Web-based checker to check SVG documents by file upload
  • Emit error (not warning) for HTML4/XHTML1 strict doctypes
  • Further restrict script[type] and style[type]
  • Allow the autocapitalize global attribute
  • Allow the slot attribute (for Shadow DOM interaction)
  • Allow the allowpaymentrequest attribute for the iframe element
  • Allow only one non-hidden main element per document
  • Allow only html, body, div, form, custom elements as main ancestor
  • Allow </caption> end tag to be omitted
  • Allow role=none where role=presentation is allowed
  • Allow role=rowgroup element to be contained in role=table element
  • Allow role=row element to be contained in role=table element
  • Allow more values for aria-haspopup per current ARIA spec
  • Allow more ARIA states & properties for role=menuitem
  • Allow CSP prefetch-src directive (updated to Salvation 2.4.0)
  • Disallow all character encodings other than UTF-8
  • Disallow script[charset]
  • Disallow nested interactive ARIA roles
  • Disallow the dropzone attribute
  • Disallow the menuitem element
  • Fix bug that caused the checker to incorrectly treat input[type] values case-sensitively when doing particular checks


07 October 2017

  • Fix bug that made the vnu.jar --Werror option not work as expected
  • Make vnu.jar exit 0 if all errors have been filtered out


06 October 2017

  • Allow DPUB roles on more elements (per ARIA in HTML spec updates)
  • Add --Werror option to the vnu.jar command-line checker. The option causes the checker to exit non-zero if any warnings are encountered (even if there are no errors).
  • Fix mismatch that caused message-filtering failures
  • Fix memory leak in language detector (patch from @tgyurci)
  • Stop reporting HTML4-specific parse errors for HTML4-doctype docs


20 August 2017

  • Allow script[nomodule]
  • Allow hover, any-hover, pointer, and any-pointer media features
  • Allow @scope, @updateviacache, @workertype for link[rel=serviceworker]
  • Allow &; (don’t report it as “& did not start a character reference”)
  • Add acceptlanguage query parameter, to specify an Accept-Language request-header value for checker to send when fetching remote documents
  • Update CSP checking to Salvation 2.3.0


26 June 2017

  • Add new major feature to filter out (drop/ignore/suppress) errors/warnings by regex. See
  • Replace a case of “Attribute "foo" not allowed on element "param" in this context” wording in error message with “Attribute "foo" not allowed on element "param" at this point” (for consistent working for that error between the command-line checker and the web-based checker).
  • Disallow the contextmenu attribute and type=contextmenu and type=toolbar for the menu element.
  • Allow link[rel=serviceworker]
  • Allow floating-point numbers in attribute values to start with decimal point
  • Allow a[href] in SVG wherever a[xlink:href] is allowed
  • Allow the focusable and tabindex attributes on SVG elements
  • Fix bug that disallowed progress & meter as label[for] targets
  • Default to text/html for checking file uploads
  • Emit warnings for use of rel={copyright,previous}
  • Prevent Bulgarian ➡ Russian misidentifications in language detector
  • Skip figcaption elements when running the language detector


26 March 2017

  • Allow color attribute with link[rel="mask-icon"]
  • Allow meta[name] to have itemref/itemscope/itemtype/itemid
  • Allow allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation in iframe[sandbox]
  • Stop hiding “sectioning roots” headings in “Heading-level outline”
  • Change error for role=none with img[alt=""] to warning
  • Fix from @xfq for longstanding bug in “Show source” behavior in Web UI
  • Fix from @xfq for controlling some runtime params for HTTP behavior
  • Fix from @zcorpan to drop unneeded warning for <menu type=toolbar>
  • Make “Corrupt GZIP trailer” a non-error
  • Add --asciiquotes option to vnu.jar command-line checker
  • Skip lang detection of elements w/ lang attributes not matching html[lang]
  • Drop Bulgarian lang detection, to prevent Russian misidentification
  • Update Estonian/Catalan lang profiles, to prevent Russian misidentification
  • Update ICU4J to 58.2


06 February 2017

  • Fix bug in language detector that when running the vnu.jar command-line checker on a list of documents caused it to sometimes misidentify the language of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc., documents. The bug also caused the memory used by the checker to increase as the number of documents checked at the same time increased, and caused performance to degrade.
  • Allow aria-required attribute everywhere required attribute is allowed
  • Add --exit-zero-always option to vnu.jar command-line checker
  • Fix longstanding bug around code for identifying overlapping cells in table-integrity checker (the bug somewhat frequently gets hit when checking Wikipedia pages but otherwise in the wild gets hit only extremely rarely)


30 January 2017

  • Fix bug that broke vnu.jar command-line checking of URLs
  • Fix bug in rel="shortcut icon" checking
  • Add nu.client.EmbeddedValidator for use as library by other Java apps
  • Disallow tfoot before tbody


15 January 2017 This release adds the following changes to the vnu.jar command-line checker that had already been made available in the Web-based checker in the 17.0.1 release.

  • Allow custom elements (names containing “-”; e.g., <foo-bar>)
  • Allow anything in template element subtrees (exclude from checking)


08 January 2017

  • New language-detection feature; warns for missing/wrong html[lang]
  • New option --no-langdetect for vnu.jar disables language detection
  • Allow custom elements (names containing “-”; e.g., <foo-bar>)
  • Allow the is attribute (for custom elements)
  • Allow ARIA 1.1 roles/states/properties
  • Warn for viewport values that restrict resizing
  • Allow div in dl, to group dt+dd sets
  • Allow anything in template element subtrees (exclude from checking)
  • Allow link[rel=preload] in body
  • Disallow sizes attribute on non-icon link
  • Allow <link rel=apple-touch-icon sizes=…>
  • Allow comments before doctype (warning dropped)
  • Allow <video playsinline>
  • Allow <iframe allowusermedia>
  • Warn for sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin"
  • New option to check error pages (404s and other non-200 responses)
  • Allow link[nonce]
  • Disallow input[datetime]
  • Disallow mediagroup attribute
  • Allow menu[type=popup], disallow menu[type=context]
  • Disallow non-http/https URLs in a[ping]
  • Allow referrerpolicy attribute
  • Warn for html[manifest] (obsolete)
  • Disallow keygen (obsolete)
  • Warn for about:legacy-compat in doctype
  • Align SVG+ARIA checking with ARIA requirements in current SVG spec
  • Allow h1-h6 & hgroup in legend
  • Ignore SSL errors when checking remote documents
  • Allow script[type=module] (supported in Edge but not in other UAs yet)
  • Disallow content in iframe (must be empty)
  • Make vnu.jar check .xhtml files using XML-specific RelaxNG grammar
  • Allow th[abbr]
  • Allow any value in SVG class attribute (not just XML-compatible names)
  • Disallow HTML4/XHTML1 Transitional doctype
  • Allow CSP require-sri-for directive (updated to Salvation 2.2.0)
  • Allow any element or text as content of SVG desc
  • Allow SVG vector-effect=non-scaling-stroke
  • Allow only text in rp
  • Disallow multiple meta[name=description]
  • Disallow URLs with port values greater than 65535
  • Disallow <input name=isindex>
  • Disallow empty autocomplete attribute


29 June 2016

  • JSON/gnu message formats updated to ensure doc URL is always included
  • <!--> (IE conditional comment end) is now (again) a non-error
  • <template> contents are now hidden from outline views


20 June 2016

  • fixes problem that made the release jars unusable with Scala sbt test
  • adds “Heading-level outline” in Web UI; shows simple h1-h6 hierarchy


18 June 2016

  • link[rel=stylesheet] in body now non-error (body-OK)
  • rel=dns-prefetch|preconnect|prefetch|preload|prerender non-error+body-OK
  • style[scoped] now error
  • iframe[seamless] now error
  • -- (consecutive hyphens) within a comment now non-error
  • new specific error for --!> at end of a comment
  • new specific error for <!-- within a comment
  • multiple meta[charset] now error
  • autocomplete checking now aligned with current spec
  • label[form] now error
  • a|area[rel=noopener] now non-error
  • allow-presentation/allow-orientation-lock in iframe[sandbox] non-error
  • label-less empty option now non-error if datalist child
  • section[role=navigation|complementary|banner] now non-error


3 March 2016

  • Made minlength a non-error for input[type=password]/input[type=text]
  • Made multiple values in integrity a non-error
  • Made <time> with element children an error if no datetime specified
  • Improved CSP checking (now using Salvation 2.0.1)
  • [WebUI] Dropped “Using the schema…”/“The Content-Type was…” Info msgs
  • [WebUI] Added some autofocus of URL field and Message Filtering button
  • [WebUI] Footer now tells whether document was served w/ charset param
  • [WebUI] Fixed bug/regression in Image Report image display
  • [build] Fixed bug caused by Rhino team building their jar with Java6
  • [build] Fixed some problems with running build script on Windows
  • [build] Made build script work with Python 3 (not just Python 2)


1 January 2016

  • Java8 is now required to run the checker (and to build it).
  • Made the <meta http-equiv=content-security-policy content="..."> element a non-error & added syntax checking of its content attribute and checking of the value of the Content-Security-Policy HTTP header.
  • Made the Content Security Policy nonce attribute a non-error.
  • Aligned on* event-handler-attribute checking with spec.
  • Aligned iframe[sandbox] checking with spec.
  • Made minlength attribute a non-error.
  • Dropped “heading needed” warning for cases where aria-label found.
  • Made unescaped ampersand a non-error in, e.g. href="foo?bar=1&baz=2".
  • Added error for img[alt=""] w/ role != presentation.
  • Made role=switch a non-error.
  • Made role=group for header & footer a non-error.
  • Made role=search for form a non-error.
  • Made the Subresource Integrity integrity attribute a non-error and added syntax checking for it.
  • Refined bad-URL error message to indicate which character is invalid.
  • Refined Web UI "Message Filtering" to show total error/warning counts
  • Refined Web UI to show green if there are 0 errors or warnings to show
  • Fixed "input[type=hidden] label descendants" bug (@takenspc patch)
  • Refined Web UI to remove background colors and increase font size
  • Made a variety of refinements and fixes to ARIA role checking.
  • Made ol>li[role=menuitem] & ol>li[role=tab] non-errors.
  • Added warnings for use of ARIA roles with implicit-semantics elements.
  • Made nesting of time elements a non-error.
  • Made checker ignore input[type=hidden] label descendants in checks.
  • Improved errors for obsolete media types/features.
  • Fixed bug in checking of the content model for the ruby element.


29 June 2015

  • Added error messages for deprecated CSS media types/features.
  • Changed checking of the accept attribute for input[type=file] to allow file extensions in the value (per spec).
  • Added error for documents that have multiple autofocus attributes.
  • Made the <rb> and <rtc> elements non-errors.
  • Made use of data-* attributes for SVG & MathML elements non-errors.
  • Made use of HTML content in the SVG <desc>, <title>, and <metadata> elements a non-error (per spec).
  • Changed error message for the inputmode attribute to a warning.
  • Fixed a bug that caused spurious error to be emitted for ID references in aria-controls and aria-labelledby with trailing whitespace.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the command-line checker from being able to check URLs when run in a Windows environment. (patch from @mariusj)
  • Added option to disable log4j when using Java API. (patch from @abrin)


12 April 2015

  • Fixed regression that caused spurious errors for input[type=email].
  • Fixed regression in war caused by missing jar needed for gzip handling.


28 March 2015

  • Renamed from “Nu HTML Checker” to “Nu Html Checker”.
  • Improved error messages for input[type] attribute mismatches.
  • Added support for checking object[typemustmatch] per-spec.
  • Added error message for title element that only has whitespace.
  • Dropped all meta[name] checking. Any arbitrary meta[name] value is now accepted unchecked.
  • Made a couple select/option error messages more precise.
  • Added useragent parameter, for allowing you to specify any arbitrary user-agent string for the checker to use when fetching remote documents.
  • Added option to limit maximum number of errors shown. Exposed thru nu.validator.messages.limit Java system prop & --messages-limit option for the build script. Controls limit on maximum number of messages the checker service will report for a single document before stopping with a “Too many messages” fatal error.
  • Make the API/CLI (command-line interface) emit source extracts & “hilite” info. When you set the --format option to json, xml, xhtml, or html (but not gnu or text), the output now includes:
    • an extract from the doc source (extract field in JSON output)
    • which extract part to hilight (JSON hiliteLength & hiliteStart)
    • error range starting line/column (JSON firstColumn & firstLine)
  • Added full support for checking documents at SNI origins.
  • Fixed regression that caused CLI/API to parse .xhtml docs as text/html instead of using the XML parser.
  • Changed backend handling for the case when the “promiscuous-ssl” option is on (that is, when you’re requesting the doc-fetching backend ignore any SSL/TLS cert errors). This should be a transparent change.
  • Now available from (Maven) Central Repository (nu.validator.validator).
  • Made a number of look&feel refinements to the Web frontend.
  • Replaced all Jena IRI code dependencies with dependency on galimatias.
  • Updated doc-fetching backend to Apache HTTP Components HttpClient 4.4.
  • Upgraded to Jetty 9.2.9 & upgraded many other build/run dependencies to latest versions; e.g., log4j 1.2.17, Apache Commons Codec 1.10.
  • Dropped some dependencies that aren’t actually needed.
  • Changed build to cut dependency download size from ~300MB down to ~16MB.
  • Made change to force java to always use Saxon instead of Xalan.
  • Renamed all org.whattf classes to nu.validator.
  • Did large reorganization/consolidation of sources.
  • Added --javaversion option, to generate class files targeted for particular VM versions (compiles for Java6/1.6 by default).

16 February 2015

  • added new "sizes attr required when srcset specifies width" check
  • added --skip-non-html option to CLI; This change alters the default CLI handling of non-HTML files. Before the CLI by default skipped any files without .html, .htm, .xhtml, or .xht extensions; instead now by default all files found are checked, regardless of extension. The --skip-non-html option provides the old default behavior: it make the checker skip any files without .html, .htm, .xhtml, or .xht extensions.
  • added --javaversion option to build script and changed default build behavior to now generate vnu.jar/vnu.war builds that can run in Java6 VMs (as well as in any newer VMs). To generate a vnu.jar/vnu.war build with a newer/different VM target, use, e.g., --javaversion=1.8.
  • added --stacksize option to build script & removed harcoded stack size
  • fixed several bugs in sizes checking
  • fixed position reporting of bad character refs in title & textarea
  • fixed ARIA checking to allow li[role=separator] & time[role=timer]
  • refined content-type check to treat .csl uploads as application/xml
  • refined "unexpected content-type" error msg to include URL of document
  • refined a few things in TestRunner
  • updated Rhino dependency to rhino1_7R5

07 February 2015

  • made SVG <style> not require the type attribute
  • added initial (liberal) support for ARIA in SVG
  • dropped error for X-UA-Compatible: IE=Edge HTTP header. Thx @zcorpan
  • dropped error for meta[http-equiv=X-UA-Compatible][content=IE=Edge]
  • added version info to jar manifest file
  • made nu.validator.client.TestRunner exit non-zero for test failures
  • made build script explicitly request Python2. Thx @kurosawa-takeshi
  • code cleanup to build script and some Java sources. Thx @cvrebert

06 October 2014

01 September 2014

25 August 2014

  • added support for the <picture> element
  • improved ARIA support for various table elements
  • made refinements to outline handling
  • added experimental warnings for some heading/outline issues
  • improved checking for meta@name and link@rel values
  • CLI now exits with 1 if any errors are found
  • CLI no longer says XHTML element in error messages
  • switched to galimatias for URL checking
  • updated to latest ICU4J
  • release now includes WAR file

02 February 2014

  • initial vnu.jar release