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Package detail



simple form validator inspired by jquery-validation plugin

vue2, validation, validator



vue-auto-validator is a flexible and simple vue component for form validation, which is heavy inpired by jquery-validation. It provides some pre-defined validation methods and you can add custom ones. With these validation methods, you set up rules and related messages when validation fails

get started


npm install vue-auto-validator --save



import FormValidator from 'vue-auto-validator'
import Vue from 'vue'

new Vue({
  el: '#form-wrapper',

  data: {
    // validation rules
    rules: {
      name: 'required',
      email: {
        required: true,
        email: true

    // related error messages
    messages: {
      name: 'name should not be empty',
      email: {
        required: 'email should not be empty',
        email: 'invalid email'

  components: { FormValidator }

For html, just use form-validator instead of form:

<div id='form-wrapper'>
  <form-validator action='/path/to/url' v-bind='$data'>
      <label for='name'/> name:
      <input type='text' name='name' id='name'/>
      <label for='email'/> email:
      <input type='text' name='email' id='email'/>
      <input type='submit' value='submit'/>

That's all!

component detail


  • rules

Set the rules for all the fields you need to validate. A rule defines applying which validation methods to a single field, the format is:

  'field-name1: {
    'method-name1': params1,
    'method-name2': params2,


  password: {
    required: true,
    minLength: 6,
  • messages

Error messages when validation fail. The format structure is the same as rules:

'field-name1: {
    'method-name1': message1,
    'method-name2': message2,


  password: {
    required: 'password is required',
    minLength: 'password length must be at least {0}' // {0} will be replaced by 6
  • submitHandler

The form's submit event handler, the default action is just submit the form. The function will take the validator vue instance as the only argument:

function submitHandler(validator) {
  // default action

You can provide your own handler override the default one.

  • invalidHandler

The callback called when validation failed on submit. By default it do nothing! The function format is same as submitHandler

  • errorMsgClass

css class of the error message element which wrapped by a span appended after the field. The default value is u-msg-error

  • errorFieldClass

css class of the failed field. The default value is u-msg-error

  • validFieldClass

css class of the successful field. The default value is u-field-ok

  • validateOnlyOnSubmit

Whether perform the validation only when submitting the form, by default false

predefined validation methods

  1. required(true)
  2. minLength(min-string-length)
  3. maxLength(max-string-length)
  4. min(min-integer-value)
  5. max(max-integer-value)
  6. email(true)
  7. equalTo(other-field-name)
  8. remote(url) result returned from server should be of form: { valid: true/false, message: error message if invalid }

add custom validation methods:

Apart from the predefined validation methods, you can add your own by FormValidator#addValidationMethod:

import FormValidator from 'vue-auto-validator'
FormValidator.addValidationMethod('method-name', (value, args) => {
  // value: field value, may be a string or array of string
  // args: may be a single value or array of values as needed
  // return: true when validation passed or false


FormValidator.addValidationMethod('between', function(value, [min, max]) {
  value = parseInt(value);
  return min <= value && value <= max;

public methods

  • getForm

Get the form dom element

  • getFieldEle(name)

Get the form element by field's name attr

  • getFieldValue(name)

Get field's value by its name. The value may be a single string or array of strings

  • getErrorMsgMap

Get all the form's current error messages as { name: msg, ... }

  • showErrors(errors)

explicitly display errors. argument errors is a map from field name to error message like: { name: msg, ... }

  • formatMsg(msg, args)

Utility function to format error message according to args as follows:

msg: 'abc{0}cde{1}', 
args: [3,4] 
return: 'abc3cde4'
  • validateAllFields

Validate all the form's fields and show error messages if some failes, usage:

validator.validateAllFields().then(() => {
  // all fields' validation passed
}).catch(err => {
  // some field's validation failed
  • validateField(name)

Validate a single field and show error messages if it failes, usage:

validator.validateField(name).then(() => {
  // validation passed
}).catch(err => {
  // validation failed

events emitted

  • this.$emit('invalidfield', name, message)

emitted when a field's validation failed

  • this.$emit('invalidform', errorMsgMap)

emitted when the form's validation failed on submit. errorMsgMap is all errors map from field name to message

  • this.$emit('validfield', name)

emitted when a field's validation passed

  • this.$emit('validform')

emitted when the form's validation passed on submit