A simple implementation of WebSockets for use with node.js 'http'-style web server or client. Deals only with RFC6455, ignoring any Browser-specific peculiarities, curiosities, and fallback mechanisms.
The core of this library is a Factory-style class Watershed
. It has several
static methods:
Watershed.accept(http.ServerRequest, net.Socket, Buffer[, Boolean[, String[] ]])
Responds to a client's request to Upgrade an HTTP connection to a WebSocket and
returns a WatershedConnection
, which is also an EventEmitter
The arguments to this method should ideally come from the 'upgrade'
event on
a node.js http.Server
. For example:
var shed = new Watershed();
var srv = http.createServer();
srv.on('upgrade', function(req, socket, head) {
var wsc;
try {
wsc = shed.accept(req, socket, head);
} catch (ex) {
console.error('error: ' + ex.message);
return socket.end();
wsc.on('text', function(text) {
console.log('received text: ' + text);
wsc.on('end', function() {
/* ... etc ... */
The additional penultimate boolean argument may be used when implementing a
websocket-to-websocket proxy. If set to true
, then accept()
returns the
raw underlying Socket
of the connection and does not construct a
instance. No event handlers will be placed on the
socket, meaning you are free to continue using it directly (e.g. calling
on it to join it to a backend socket).
The final list-of-strings argument can be optionally provided to allow for the
use of WebSocket subprotocol negotiation. It is a list of case-sensitive
string names of supported subprotocols. If given, and protocol negotiation
takes place, the chosen subprotocol can be found with the getProtocol()
Returns a random, Base64-encoded 16-byte value suitable for use as the
header on an Upgrade request. See Example usage in
Watershed.connect(http.ClientResponse, net.Socket, Buffer, String)
Attaches a new client-side WatershedConnection
to this presently Upgraded
The arguments to this method should ideally come from the 'upgrade'
event on
a node.js http.Client
. For example:
var shed = new Watershed();
var wskey = shed.generateKey();
var options = {
port: 8082,
hostname: '',
headers: {
'connection': 'upgrade',
'upgrade': 'websocket',
'Sec-WebSocket-Key': wskey,
'Sec-WebSocket-Version': '13'
var req = http.request(options);
req.on('upgrade', function(res, socket, head) {
var wsc = shed.connect(res, socket, head, wskey);
wsc.send('Hi there!');
wsc.on('end', function() {
/* ... etc ... */
Event: 'error'
Emitted once when an error occurs during processing. The socket will be closed
and an 'end'
event will follow. The only argument will be an instance of
Event: 'connectionReset'
Emitted when the remote peer closes the connection without sending us a CLOSE
frame. An 'end'
event will follow.
Event: 'end' (code, reason)
Emitted once when the socket is closing. If we received a graceful CLOSE
frame from the remote server, we will attempt to process it and pass code
and reason
-- both of type String
Event: 'text'
Emitted for each inbound TEXT frame. The only argument will be a String
containing the UTF-8 string payload.
Event: 'binary'
Emitted for each inbound BINARY frame. The only argument will be a Buffer
containing the binary payload.
Event: 'ping'
Emitted for each inbound PING frame. The only argument will be a Buffer
containing the nonce in the ping request. Note that the library presently
responds with a PONG frame for each inbound PING frame.
Event: 'pong'
Emitted for each inbound PONG frame. The only argument will be a Buffer
containing the nonce in the pong response.
Returns the negotiated subprotocol, if any, for this connection, as a String.
If no subprotocol negotiation took place, this method returns null
Sends a frame through the socket. The single argument data
may be a
, in which case a BINARY frame is sent; or a String
, in which case a
TEXT frame is sent.
Closes the connection. The RFC allows a reason for closing the connection to
be send in the CLOSE frame, though this is optional. If passed, reason
should be a String
Immediately destroy the underlying socket, without sending a CLOSE frame. You
generally want end()
, rather than this, in order to perform RFC-compliant
connection shutdowns.