wise-promise ![null Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/JoshuaWise/wise-promise.svg?branch=master)
This is a subclass of native Node.js promises.
Native promises saw a huge performance boost in Node.js v8.0.0, eliminating the need for bloated promise libraries like bluebird. Native promises are now safer, cleaner, and have become the new best practice.
Unfortunately, native promises alone lack many powerful utilities that libraries like bluebird provide. wise-promise
extends native promises to provide that same power.
npm install --save wise-promise
const Promise = require('wise-promise');
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
get('http://www.google.com', (err, res) => {
if (err) reject(err);
else resolve(res);
new Promise(handler)
This creates and returns a new promise. handler
must be a function with the following signature:
function handler(resolve, reject)
is a function that should be called with a single argument. If it is called with a non-promise value then the promise is fulfilled with that value. If it is called with a promise, then the constructed promise takes on the state of that promise.reject
is a function that should be called with a single argument. The returned promise will be rejected with that argument.
.then([onFulfilled], [onRejected]) -> promise
This method conforms to the Promises/A+ spec.
If you are new to promises, the following resources are available:
- Matt Greer's promise tutorial
- HTML5 Rocks's promise tutorial
- Promises.org's introduction to promises
- David Walsh's article on promises
If they are provided, onFulfilled
and onRejected
should be functions.
.catch([predicate], onRejected) -> promise
Sugar for .then(null, onRejected)
, to mirror catch
in synchronous code.
If a predicate
is specified, the onRejected
handler will only catch exceptions that match the predicate
The predicate
can be:
- an
class- example:
.catch(TypeError, func)
- example:
- a filter function
- example:
.catch(err => err.statusCode === 404, func)
- example:
- an array of accepted
- example:
.catch([TypeError, SyntaxError, is404], func)
- example:
.catchLater() -> this
Prevents this promise from triggering an Unhandled Rejection. This is useful if you plan on handling the promise at a later point in time.
.finally(handler) -> promise
Pass a handler
that will be called regardless of this promise's fate. The handler
will be invoked with no arguments, and it cannot change the promise chain's current fulfillment value or rejection reason. If handler
returns a promise, the promise returned by .finally
will not be settled until that promise is settled.
This method is primarily used for cleanup operations.
.tap(handler) -> promise
Like .finally
, but the handler
will not be called if this promise is rejected. The handler
cannot change the promise chain's fulfillment value, but it can delay chained promises by returning an unsettled promise (just like .finally
). The handler is invoked with a single argument: the fulfillment value of the previous promise.
This method is primarily used for side-effects.
.tapError(handler) -> promise
The opposite of .tap
. The given handler
will only be invoked if this promise is rejected. Unlike .catch
, however, the returned promise will still be rejected with the original rejection reason. Just like .tap
and .finally
, the handler can delay chained promises by returning an unsettled promise. The handler is invoked with a single argument: the rejection reason of the previous promise.
.become(fulfilledValue, [rejectedValue]) -> promise
Sugar for .then(() => fulfilledValue)
If a second argument is passed, it is equivilent to .then(() => fulfilledValue, () => rejectedValue)
.else([predicate], value) -> promise
Sugar for .catch(() => value)
. This method is used for providing default values on a rejected promise chain. Predicates are supported, just like with the .catch
.delay(milliseconds) -> promise
Returns a new promise chained from this one, whose fulfillment is delayed by the specified number of milliseconds
from when it would've been fulfilled otherwise. Rejections are not delayed.
.timeout(milliseconds, [reason]) -> promise
Returns a new promise chained from this one. However, if this promise does not settle within the specified number of milliseconds
, the returned promise will be rejected with a TimeoutError
If you specify a string reason
, the TimeoutError
will have reason
as its message. Otherwise, a default message will be used. If reason
is an instanceof Error
, it will be used instead of a TimeoutError
is available at Promise.TimeoutError
.log([prefix]) -> promise
Conveniently logs the state and value of the promise when it becomes fulfilled or rejected.
If prefix
is provided, it will be prepended to the logged value
, separated by a space character.
static Promise.resolve(value) -> promise
Creates a promise that is resolved with the given value
. If you pass a promise or promise-like object, the returned promise takes on the state of that promise-like object (fulfilled or rejected).
static Promise.reject(value) -> promise
Creates a promise that is rejected with the given value
(usually an Error
object) as its rejection reason.
static Promise.race(iterable) -> promise
Returns a promise that will fulfill or reject with the same value/exception as the first fulfilled/rejected promise in the iterable
Non-promise values in the iterable
are treated like already-fulfilled promises.
static Promise.all(iterable) -> promise
Returns a promise for an iterable
of promises. The returned promise will be rejected if any of the promises in iterable
are rejected. Otherwise, it will be fulfilled with an array of each fulfillment value, respectively.
Non-promise values in the iterable
are treated like already-fulfilled promises.
Promise.all([Promise.resolve('a'), 'b', Promise.resolve('c')])
.then(function (results) {
assert(results[0] === 'a')
assert(results[1] === 'b')
assert(results[2] === 'c')
static Promise.any(iterable) -> promise
Returns a promise for an iterable
of promises. It will be fulfilled with the value of the first fulfilled promise in iterable
. If all of the given promises reject, it will be rejected with the rejection reason of the promise that rejected first.
Non-promise values in the iterable
are treated like already-fulfilled promises.
static Promise.props(object) -> promise
Like Promise.all
, but for an object's properties instead of iterated values. Returns a promise that will be resolved with an object that has fulfillment values at respective keys to the original object
. Only the object
's own enumerable properties are considered.
Non-promise values in the object
are treated like already-fulfilled promises.
Promise.props({ users: getUsers(), news: getNews() })
.then(function (results) {
static Promise.settle(iterable) -> promise
Given an iterable
of promises, returns a promise that fulfills with an array of promise descriptor objects.
If the corresponding input promise is:
- fulfilled, the descriptor will be
{ state: 'fulfilled', value: <fulfillmentValue> }
- rejected, the descriptor will be
{ state: 'rejected', reason: <rejectionReason> }
Non-promise values in the iterable
are treated like already-fulfilled promises.
static Promise.after(milliseconds, [value]) -> promise
Returns a promise that will be resolved with value
after the specified number of milliseconds. By default, value
is undefined
If value
is a promise itself, the returned promise will adopt the state of value
after the specified number of milliseconds.
static Promise.isPromise(value) -> boolean
Returns either true
or false
, whether value
is a promise-like object (i.e., it has a .then
static Promise.promisify(function, [options]) -> function
Takes a function
which accepts a node style callback and returns a new function that returns a promise instead.
const fs = require('fs')
const read = Promise.promisify(fs.readFile)
const promise = read('foo.json', 'utf8')
.then(str => JSON.parse(str))
There are two possible options:
- Setting this option to
means the resulting promise will always fulfill with an array of the callback's success values (arguments after the first).
- Setting this option to
- Setting this option to
can potentially improve the performance of functions that are frequently passed a widely varying number of arguments (and typically a very high number of arguments). In most cases though, this option will reduce the performance of the function.
- Setting this option to
static Promise.nodeify(function) -> function
Takes a promise-returning function
, and returns a new function that instead accepts a node style callback as its last argument. The newly created function will always return its this
const callbackAPI = Promise.nodeify(promiseAPI)
callbackAPI('foo', 'bar', function (err, result) {
// handle error or result here