Important: This documentation covers Yarn 1 (Classic).
For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

Package detail



Basically the same reporter as mocha's xunit reporter, but writes the output in a file.

mocha, xunit, file, reporter



Basically the same reporter as mocha's xunit reporter, but writes the output to a file.


npm install xunit-file --save-dev

Run mocha with -R xunit-file or --reporter xunit-file

The xunit.xml output is saved in process.cwd()/xunit.xml by default.


To change the output and activate terminal output, you can create a config.json, or use environment variables.


    "file" : "${cwd}/xunit.xml",
    "consoleOutput" : {
      "suite" : true,
      "test" : true,
      "fail" : false

environment variables

$ XUNIT_FILE=output/xunit.xml mocha -R xunit-file // writes result to output/xunit.xml
$ LOG_XUNIT=true mocha -R xunit-file // activates terminal output
$ XUNIT_SILENT=true mocha -R xunit-file // disable all terminal output

Set XUNIT_LOG_ENV environment variable, if you want the output process and environment variables in the properties section of the xml file.

$ XUNIT_LOG_ENV=true mocha -R xunit-file

Add the following to the xml report.

  <property name="process.arch" value="x64"/>
  <property name="process.platform" value="win32"/>
  <property name="process.memoryUsage" value="[ rss: '26570752', heapTotal: '17734144', heapUsed: '8982088']"/>
  <property name="process.cwd" value="D:\Dev\Demo\git\Demo\DemoApp\build\jsTest"/>
  <property name="process.execPath" value="D:\Dev\Demo\git\Demo\DemoApp\build\nodeJs\node-v0.11.10-windows-x64\bin\node.exe"/>
  <property name="process.version" value="v0.11.10"/>
  <property name="process.versions" value="[ http_parser: '2.2', node: '0.11.10', v8: '', uv: '0.11.17', zlib: '1.2.3', modules: '13', openssl: '1.0.1e']"/>


  <property name="process.env.NODE_PATH" value="D:\Dev\Demo\git\Demo\DemoApp\build\jsTest\node_modules"/>
  <property name="process.env.SUITE_NAME" value="jsTest.myTest"/>
  <property name="process.env.XUNIT_FILE" value="D:\Dev\Demo\git\Demo\DemoApp\build\test-results\TEST-jsTest.myTest.xml"/>
  <property name="process.env.LOG_XUNIT" value="undefined"/>

File Path Options

The file path accepts a few custom tokens to allow creation of dynamic file names. This can be useful for multithreaded testing (such as using a Selenium Grid) or to keep multiple files by timestamp. Tokens are in the following format:

${tokenName: 'Token Data'}

The available tokens are pid to inject the process id, cwd to inject the current working directory, and ts or timestamp to inject a timestamp.

By default ts and timestamp use the ISO 8601 format, ex: 2016-03-31T07:27:48+00:00. However, if you specify a custom format in the Token Data, the timestamp uses the node dateformat library to output a string in that format.

A full example config.json is as follows:

  "file": "${cwd}/${timestamp: 'MMDD-hhmm'}/xunit-${pid}.xml"

This would output something like ~/myProject/1217-1507/xunit-1234.xml. This example would keep copies good for a year without collision, and group multithreaded results by test run.

Tokens can be used in either environment variables or a config.json. The default filepath is always ${cwd}/xunit.xml.


This reporter is just the original xunit reporter from mocha only writing the result in an xml file.






All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[2.0.1] - 2023-02-01

  • #40 relax package.json engine restriction to allow v18

[2.0.0] - 2021-11-24

BREAKING CHANGE: This is the first version which has a node engines specifier. Hence we are releasing this as a major version.


  • #36 chore: CI Action to run tests


  • #27 fix: Dont count xunit failures as errors (thanks @mlucool)
  • #25 fix: Remove escaping character in CDATA (thanks @jugend)
  • #38 feat!: Specified supported node engine versions > 12 < 16


  • #38 fix: Update packages to resolve CVE issues #38 (thanks @gagyibenedek)