Important: This documentation covers Yarn 1 (Classic).
For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

Package detail



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install, call-bind, time, efficient, args, globals, WebSocket, ES2020, source map, equal, es2017, idle, ECMAScript 2023, emr, reduce, swf, RFC-6455, performance, asserts, l10n, classnames, Array.prototype.filter, awesomesauce, loadbalancing, _.extend, collection.es6, safe, regular expression, bind, character, request, callbind, rfc4122, env, callbound, WeakMap, react-hook-form, fast-deep-copy, classes, function.length, settings, transpile, .env, moment, es2015, execute, apollo, getter, subprocess, values, js, cloudwatch, lru, babel-core, getPrototypeOf, fastclone, has, shrinkwrap, merge, curried, dependency manager, diff, japanese, dataview, flatMap, Array.prototype.flat, wget, prop, real-time, shell, tacit, globalThis, which, exec, react-testing-library, progress, ES5, banner, electron, own, typescript, touch, directory, Object.keys, Set, trimLeft, ECMAScript 2017, argv, mru, delete, ajv, ECMAScript 2016, dataView, toArray, regular expressions, proto, east-asian-width, jest, cloudsearch, gestures, execfile, package manager, @@toStringTag, libphonenumber, karma, keys, from, gdpr, framework, autoscaling, ECMAScript 2022, kinesis, typedarrays, symbol, packages, waf, deterministic, ES2017, inspect, term, class-validator, ECMAScript, react pose, symbols, positive, utils, resolve, toolkit, cli, invariant, testing, mocha, omit, compare, setter, accessibility, stringify, URLSearchParams, every, channel, rework, sqs, pnpm9, setPrototypeOf, bundling, side, remove, xml, harmony, jsx, package.json, log, emit, Underscore, StyleSheet, sorted, in, check, transform, Object.values, rm -rf, transpiler, CSS, iterator


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ES spec-compliant shim for Date. Invoke its "shim" method to shim Date if it is unavailable or noncompliant.

This package implements the es-shim API “multi” interface. It works in an ES3-supported environment, and complies with the spec.

Most common usage:

var assert = require('assert');

var shims = require('@diotoborg/totam-explicabo');

assert.deepEqual(shims, [

require('@diotoborg/totam-explicabo/auto'); // will be a no-op if not needed

assert.ok(new Date() instanceof Date);
assert.equal(typeof, 'number');

// etc, with all the Date methods you expect


Simply clone the repo, npm install, and run npm test