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An Auth0 Authorizer for AWS Lambda

aws, lambda, auth0


Auth0 Lambda Authorizer

This is a simple custom authorizer for AWS lambda.


  • jwks-rsa


When writing FaaS applications on AWS lambda that have an http endpoint, we sometimes want to secure these endpoints and only allow authenticated and authorized users to access them. We use JWT for this and for the past FaaS projects we have just copy pasted this custom authorizer across projects. Extracting it into a library will give us the ability to share improvements and bugs across projects without having to copy paste the code around.


We need to first create a jwksClient using jwks-rsa.

 const client = jwksClient({
        cache: true,
        jwksRequestsPerMinute: 10,
        jwksUri: process.env.JWKS_URI,
        rateLimit: true,

The JWKS_URI should be fetched from the Auth0 dashboard. Here we have added it as an environment variable.

We also need to decode the auth0 secret. The approach we normally take is to save the PUBLIC_PEM using kms and then decrypt it, and convert it to a Buffer.

//Given a function for decrypting a KMS string:
const encodedString = await getDecryptedKmsString(process.env.AUTH0_WEB_PUBLIC_PEM);
const auth0Secret = new Buffer(encodedSecret, "base64").toString();

Then we need to create a callback that will be executed once we have decoded the token. This callback is also responsible for returning control to the lambda environment by calling context.succeed or

const authenticateCallback = (err, authResponse: AuthResponse) => {
        if (err) {
            if (!err) {
                log.error("Failed to authenticate with an unhandled error", err);
            } else {
                log.error("Recieved an unauthorized request", err);
        } else {
  { msg: "Successfully authenticated a request" });

This callback will get either an error or a response from our authenticate function. AuthResponse looks like this:

export interface AuthResponse {
    policyDocument: PolicyDocument;
    principalId: string;
    context: any;

This includes a policyDocument, the principalId and the context. The context is a map that will contain the payload along with the scope. A default policyDocument is created that allows access to execute any lambda. However, we might not always want to do this. We can create our own policyDocument if we want more fine grained control by using the getPolicyDocument function.

//given that we have imported `ramda` as R.
if (R.contains("admin", context.roles) || R.contains("premiumUser", context.roles)) {
    const policyDocument = getPolicyDocument("Allow", [event.methodArn])
    authResponse.policyDocument = policyDocument;
} else {
    const policyDocument = getPolicyDocument("Deny", [event.methodArn])
    authResponse.policyDocument = policyDocument;