npm install --global defence-cli
Filter a README file, retaining fenced code blocks with JavaScript code, piping to Node.js for execution:
defence --info javascript,js | node
Along with assert and replace-require-self, this can make for very readable npm test scripts that run code examples in your README files:
"scripts": {
"test": "defence | replace-require-self | node"
boolean-json-cnf is an example.
Without a file argument, read from standard input:
cat | defence --info javascript,js | node
Retain just fenced code blocks without info strings:
cat | defence --no-info | less
Source lines outside of matching fenced code blocks are retained as blank lines, so line numbering doesn't change:
echo "\n\n\n\n\n~~~js\nthrow new Error()\n~~~" | defence | node
throw new Error()
at [stdin]:7:7
[ ... ]