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Package detail


manidlou8mMIT6.0.0TypeScript support: definitely-typed

Recursive, synchronous, and fast file system walker

fs, walk, walker, walk-sync, klaw, readdir-sync



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klaw-sync is a Node.js recursive and fast file system walker, which is the synchronous counterpart of klaw. It lists all files and directories inside a directory recursively and returns an array of objects that each object has two properties: path and stats. path is the full path of the file or directory and stats is an instance of fs.Stats.


npm i klaw-sync


klawSync(directory[, options])

  • directory <String>
  • options <Object> (optional) all options are false by default
    • nodir <Boolean>
      • return only files (ignore directories).
    • nofile <Boolean>
      • return only directories (ignore files).
    • depthLimit: <Number>
      • the number of times to recurse before stopping. -1 for unlimited.
    • fs: <Object>
      • custom fs, useful when mocking fs object.
    • filter <Function>
      • function that gets one argument fn({path: '', stats: {}}) and returns true to include or false to exclude the item.
    • traverseAll <Boolean>
      • traverse all subdirectories, regardless of filter option. (When set to true, traverseAll produces similar behavior to the default behavior prior to v4.0.0. The current default of traverseAll: false is equivalent to the old noRecurseOnFailedFilter: true).
  • Return: <Array<Object>> [{path: '', stats: {}}]


const klawSync = require('klaw-sync')

const paths = klawSync('/some/dir')
// paths = [{path: '/some/dir/dir1', stats: {}}, {path: '/some/dir/file1', stats: {}}]

catch error

const klawSync = require('klaw-sync')

let paths
try {
  paths = klawSync('/some/dir')
} catch (er) {

files only

const klawSync = require('klaw-sync')

const files = klawSync('/some/dir', {nodir: true})
// files = [{path: '/some/dir/file1', stats: {}}, {path: '/some/dir/file2', stats: {}}]

directories only

const klawSync = require('klaw-sync')

const dirs = klawSync('/some/dir', {nofile: true})
// dirs = [{path: '/some/dir/dir1', stats: {}}, {path: '/some/dir/dir2', stats: {}}]

ignore hidden directories

const path = require('path')
const klawSync = require('klaw-sync')

const filterFn = item => {
  const basename = path.basename(item.path)
  return basename === '.' || basename[0] !== '.'

const paths = klawSync('/some/dir', { filter: filterFn})

filter based on stats

Here traverseAll option is required since we still want to read all directories even if they don't pass the filter function, to see if their contents do pass the filter function.

const klawSync = require('klaw-sync')

const refTime = new Date(2017, 3, 24).getTime()
const filterFn = item => item.stats.mtime.getTime() > refTime

const paths = klawSync('/some/dir', { filter: filterFn })

Run tests

lint: npm run lint

unit test: npm run unit

lint & unit: npm test

benchmark: npm run benchmark

Performance compare to other similar modules

Running some benchmark tests on these modules:

(as of Jan 25, 2017) klaw-sync is the fastest module!

results (tested on Ubuntu 18.04, Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2630QM CPU @ 2.00GHz, 8 CPUs, 8g RAM, node v10.9.0)
Running benchmark tests..

root dir length: 1110
walk-sync x 139 ops/sec ±2.48% (76 runs sampled)
klaw-sync x 163 ops/sec ±1.20% (80 runs sampled)
Fastest is klaw-sync

root dir length: 11110
walk-sync x 13.23 ops/sec ±1.10% (37 runs sampled)
klaw-sync x 15.10 ops/sec ±1.06% (41 runs sampled)
Fastest is klaw-sync

root dir length: 111110
walk-sync x 1.17 ops/sec ±2.06% (7 runs sampled)
klaw-sync x 1.25 ops/sec ±2.10% (8 runs sampled)
Fastest is klaw-sync


Special thanks to:

for their contribution and support.


Licensed under MIT


6.0.0 / 2018-09-22


  • traverseAll option. It would allow to traverse all subdirectories regardless of filter option. #13 (Thanks to @jskrzypek)

5.0.0 / 2018-09-05


  • Updated the algorithm to handle depthLimit option properly. #12 (Thanks to @Geelik)

4.0.0 / 2018-04-30


  • BREAKING Removed noRecurseOnFailedFilter option because it was counter-intuitive and confusing.


  • fs option. It is useful when mocking fs object.
  • depthLimit option. It can be used to specify the number of times to recurse before stopping.

3.0.2 / 2017-10-21

  • Use var instead of let in for loop.

3.0.0 / 2017-08-06


  • graceful-fs is now a regular dependency, and is always loaded. This should speed up require time.

2.1.0 / 2017-04-25


  • Apply opts.nodir and opts.nofile when filter option is used.

2.0.0 / 2017-04-23


  • BREAKING: Removed support for ignore option. Instead, filter option can be used. See: #1


  • filter option. A function that gets one argument fn({path: '', stats: {}}) and returns true to include or false to exclude the item.
  • noRecurseOnFailedFilter option to prevent unnecessary traversal of unwanted directories when filter function is used.

1.1.2 / 2017-02-17

  • Changed to traditional for loop instead of using Array.forEach() because of better performance.

1.1.1 / 2017-02-05

  • changed handling error to throw the exception

1.1.0 / 2017-01-25

  • switched from multimatch to micromatch for matching ignore patterns (showed faster performance)
  • bug fixed: normalize root directory to make sure always return absolute paths.

1.0.2 / 2017-01-17

  • initial release