A statically typed subset of chai assertions written in TypeScript.
expect(new Set([1, 2])).to.contain('a');
While the above is perfectly valid JS and chai will throw an AssertionError at runtime, it is desirable to turn that into a compile time error when using TypeScript.
Using this library instead of chai.expect
in the assertion above will
fail to compile with the following:
Error:(54, 47) TS2345: Argument of type '"a"' is not assignable
to parameter of type 'number'.
But wait, what about @types/chai
declares all the arguments as any
so using chai
directly in TypeScript will not provide any type checking.
This library exports a subset of chai's BDD API
so check out their docs on usage. The only difference is that the .equal
assertion is by default deep (equivalent to .deep.equal
You can extend this library, similarly to how chai.use
works, and keep type
safety using extend
import { Expect, extend, IsType, Plugin } from 'strictly-chai/extend';
type MyAwesomeType = {
myAwesomeProp: 42
interface MyAwesomeAssertion {
to: {
be: {
awesome: () => void;
const isMyAwesomeType: IsType<MyAwesomeType> = (actual: any): actual is MyAwesomeType =>
((actual as MyAwesomeType).myAwesomeProp === 42);
const plugin: Plugin<MyAwesomeType, MyAwesomeAssertion> = chai => {
// You have access to the chai instance so you can do chai.use() here.
const myAwesomeExpect: Expect<MyAwesomeType, MyAwesomeAssertion> = actual => ({
to: {
be: {
awesome: () => {}
return {
isType: isMyAwesomeType,
expect: myAwesomeExpect
const expect = extend(plugin);
// This is our awesome assertion.
expect({ myAwesomeProp: 42 }).to.be.awesome();
// And this is from the inherited base assertions.