Important: This documentation covers Yarn 1 (Classic).
For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

Package detail


angular2.5mMIT12.1.9TypeScript support: included


automation, browser, browsers, browser test, browser testing, chromedriver, geckodriver, iedriver, selenium, selenium-webdriver, test, testing, webdriver, webdriverjs


webdriver-manager CircleCI

Use as a dependency

To install this as a dependency: npm install -D webdriver-manager. The following is an example running webdriver-manager as a dependency. The test downloads the providers and starts the selenium server standalone as detached. After the test, it will shutdown the selenium server standalone.

import {
} from 'webdriver-manager';

const options: Options = {
  browserDrivers: [{
    name: 'chromedriver'     // For browser drivers, we just need to use a valid
                             // browser driver name. Other possible values
                             // include 'geckodriver' and 'iedriver'.
  server: {
    name: 'selenium',
    runAsNode: true,          // If we want to run as a node. By default
                              // running as detached will set this to true.
    runAsDetach: true         // To run this in detached. This returns the
                              // process back to the parent process.
setLogLevel('info');          // Required if we webdriver-manager to log to
                              // console. Not setting this will hide the logs.

describe('some web test', () => {
  beforeAll(async () => {
    await update(options);
    await start(options);

  it('should run some web test', async () => {
    // Your async / await web test with some framework.

  afterAll(async () => {
    await shutdown(options);  // Makes the web request to shutdown the server.
                              // If we do not call shutdown, the java command
                              // will still be running the server on port 4444.

Use as a command line interface

npm i -g webdriver-manager

webdriver-manager update      // Downloads the latest binaries.
webdriver-manager start       // Starts the selenium server standalone.

Note: Installing globally will not work with Protractor if you are trying to start a Selenium Standalone server with a "local" or "directConnect". It will not work for these since Protractor is looking files downloaded locally to the project.

The command line interface help commands

To get a list of commands for webdriver-manager, use the help flag.

webdriver-manager --help
webdriver-manager [command]

  webdriver-manager clean     Removes downloaded files from the out_dir.
  webdriver-manager shutdown  Shutdown a local selenium server with GET request
  webdriver-manager start     Start up the selenium server.
  webdriver-manager status    List the current available binaries.
  webdriver-manager update    Install or update selected binaries.

  --version  Show version number                                       [boolean]
  --help     Show help                                                 [boolean]

To get a list of options that can be passed to the webdriver-manager update command, use the help flag.

webdriver-manager update --help
webdriver-manager update

Install or update selected binaries.

  --version              Show version number                           [boolean]
  --help                 Show help                                     [boolean]
  --out_dir              Location of output.                            [string]
  --chrome               Install or update chromedriver.
                                                       [boolean] [default: true]
  --gecko                Install or update geckodriver.[boolean] [default: true]
  --github_token         Use a GitHub token to prevent rate limit issues.
  --iedriver             Install or update ie driver. [boolean] [default: false]
  --ignore_ssl           Ignore SSL certificates.                      [boolean]
  --log_level            The log level of this CLI.   [string] [default: "info"]
  --proxy                Use a proxy server to download files.          [string]
  --standalone           Install or update selenium server standalone.
                                                       [boolean] [default: true]      The chromedriver version.                      [string]
  --versions.gecko       The geckodriver version.                       [string]          The ie driver version.                         [string]
  --versions.standalone  The selenium server standalone version.        [string]



Updates adm-zip to version 0.5.2.


Fixes for macOS ChromeDriver download. If you are using a macOS and are running into a WebDriver.createSession error, run webdriver-manager clean to remove the downloaded ChromeDriver before running webdriver-manager update.

  • (4f5f736) fix(chromedriver): get most recent version on x64 windows if multiple major versions exist (#473)

  • (17db8a2) fix(binaries): filter m1 mac chromedriver versions (#478)


Updates to Chromedriver to the LATEST_RELEASE. This should work from here on in when Chrome is updated to a new version.

  • 64795b7 chore(chrome) get latest chromedriver from LATEST_RELEASE (#418)

    • changed the get latest chromedriver to use the URL getting the latest first, then downloading that specific version.
    • removed unused imports.


Update the max Chrome version to 76.


Update the max Chrome version to 75.


Fixes issues introduced by 12.1.3 ( flag and status command did not work). Also prevents downloading version 75 using the config.json file.

Bug Fix

  • (0a6ce24) fix(chromedriver): version fixes for update, status, and start (#380)

    • Set the max versioning set in config.json. This will need to be updated on every release of chromedriver. This will "fix" chrome and chromedriver mismatches until Chrome 75 comes out. When it does there will have to be an update for this again. Possible future work would allow a user to set this via flag. Example "74."
    • Create a generic way to get a valid version for Chromedriver. If presented with 2.x, change this to 2.x.0. If presented with a 74.x.x.x, chop off the last set of numbers and change this to 74.x.x
      • Fixes the status command during a semver check.
      • Fixes the update and start command when starting a specific version of chromedriver


Fixes download issues for chromedriver version 74+.

Bug Fix

  • (476c117) fix(chromedriver): support downloads for chromedriver beyond 2.46 (#377)

    Versions of Chromdriver were versioned as 2.xx. We previously used to tack on a '.0' at the end to make it a semver version. This is why it was not downloading 74.0.3729.6. We now have to change 74.0.3729.6 to be a semver. We will do this by grabbing 74.0.3729 with a regex.

    This should work when downloading the latest chromedriver version since 2.46.0 < 74.0.3729. If Chromedriver releases 75 but we are still on Chrome 74, this will still break in this version of webdriver-manager. This does not prevent latest Chromedriver and latest Chrome mismatches. If you run into an issue where Chromedriver is mismatched with Chrome, use the flag to pass in the version to download.


Fixes download issues for the selenium jar file.

Bug Fix

  • (7dc17ef) fix(selenium): download jar files and not zip files (#371)

    This fix is here because selenium now has .zip files in the .xml. This worked previously since there were no .zip files and it would find a version that matched the latest jar file.

    Also do not download alpha versions since we are also not downloading beta versions of the jar file.

    closes #370


Bug Fix

  • (f17b226) Fix(types): Operator '==' cannot be applied to types 'string | string[]' and 'number' (#297)

    • build-enforced style changes
    • add package-lock.json
  • (7dbc1df) fix(clean): remove existing chrome meta files from update on clean command (#279)

    • change file name from chromedriver-response.xml to chrome-response.xml
  • (0a4c065) fix(appium): change appiumPort to seleniumPort for selenium server request (#228)


  • (6775421) deps(package): update npm audit.

    • Updates to vulnerable to zipslip.
    • Update all dependencies with npm audit fix --force.

    closes #314

  • (a80ccd2) deps(appium): bump up the appium version (#258)


Bug Fix

  • (708ade3) fix(responses): response xml and json files (#247)


Bug Fix

  • (242a72f) feat(start): start selenium without making web requests (#232)


Bug Fixes

  • (52d8a23) fix(ignoressl): pass option to both binary and config source

    closes #207.

  • (5af1c1c) fix(cache): change timestamp to 1 hour instead of 10 hours (#223)

    closes #221


Bug Fixes

  • (bb13882) feat(gecko): Improve error message when Github api limit reached. (#217)

    the user. Also, API limit is reached, the error message now directly informs when any other failure occurs the status code is reported. This should hopefully give more info for issue #216.

  • (2cffd30) fix(ignoressl): pass proxy and ignore ssl down to the binary and config source (#208)

    closes #207 and closes #221


  • (0bdf6a4) deps(typescript): use typescript@~2.0.0. fix any types (#203)


  • (6209666) fix(gecko): add additional check for OS when getting latest (#200)


Changes to update

This release gets the latest release for selenium standalone, chromedriver, iedriver, and gecko driver by downloading and parsing either a json or xml file. These json or xml files are cached in the selenium directory. This means for users that provide an alternative cdn will also be required to provide the proper xml or json server response to find these binaries.

Since we are always downloading the latest, the config.json versions will no longer be a place to override these.

Changes to start

If a new release is out and you have old binaries, running webdriver-manager start without specifying any versions should throw an error. The error will tell the user that the binary is not present.

Changes to status

Since we are downloading the latest and not maintaining a default version in config.json, we are dropping the default tag.


  • (fe309ef) feat(latest): get the latest version from the cdn (#198)

    This reads the xml from the CDN to get the latest chromedriver, iedriver, or standalone version if the version is 'latest'. If the release is from Github, use the Github API to get the releases. Also store the downloaded information to a cache in the output directory (default: selenium/). If the file is older than one hour it will be rewritten.

    When getting the status, we are no longer showing the default version. Default versions will be deprecated and will be removed from the config.json file.

    When starting the standalone server, use the 'latest' version by default unless specified by --versions.{binary} flag.

    Change the gulp update task to use 3.0.0-beta4 so Firefox tests will pass.


Bug Fixes

  • (70614a2) fix(ie): Use 32-bit version by default for IEDriver (#181)

    closes #180

  • (6f9a2ab) fix(gecko): Respect versions.gecko in start command. (#184)

    Also bump the geckodriver version to latest.


  • (5881c5b) deps(update): update devDependencies (#187)


  • Update to set the default chrome driver version to 2.26


  • (72e3d9f) feat(status): show the last downloaded version when using status (#177)

    • added a test to run update, then checks status for labels

    closes #172

Bug Fixes

  • (a3b46c7) fix(iedriver): if downloading x64, use x64 version on start command (#173)

    • clang formatting

    closes #147



Breaking Change:


  • (b5638ef) feat(update): on update, write full binary paths to file (#140)

    • Adding back in curl calls, these were removed on the new Downloader.getFile. Add curl call to reflect proxies.

    • Fix output dir to read from update's options instead of Config

    • Feature will help directConnect users for Protractor. The file will keep track of the last binary version as well as all other binaries downloaded.

      The file will be created in the output directory. By default this is selenium/update-config.json. On clean this file will be removed.

      webdriver-manager update --standalone=false

      file created:

       "chrome": {
         "last": "/opt/src/webdriver-manager/selenium/chromedriver_2.20",
         "all": ["/opt/src/webdriver-manager/selenium/chromedriver_2.20"]

      then the user wants to use 2.25:

      webdriver-manager update --standalone=false

      file created:

       "chrome": {
         "last": "/opt/src/webdriver-manager/selenium/chromedriver_2.25",
         "all": ["/opt/src/webdriver-manager/selenium/chromedriver_2.20",
  • (473ab3e) feat(android): match android arch to os.arch (#164)

    The default was x86-64, but x86 cannot be emulated on ARM. This makes more sense

  • (c864c9a) feat(shutdown): do not error if you try to shutdown a server which is already off (#162)

    When scripting, you might want to defensively run a shutdown command. If the shutdown fails because the server is already off, you don't care. If it fails for another reason, you do care. So I made trying to shutdown a server which is already off just a warning. I added a flag in case you want the old behavior though.

  • (338fffd) feat(quiet/verbose): add --quiet and --verbose flags to control the level of output (#156)

    I added the --quiet flag for cases like: where currently the start --detach; ./; webdriver-manager shutdownselenium server output will get mixed in with other output. I also added the--verboseflag forwebdriver-manager updatein case you *really* wanted to see all the output which gets eaten by using--android-accept-licenses`.

  • (91e36a3) feat(android on windows): Support android VMs on windows (#154)


  • (d533b03) feat(start android): extend the --detach flag to wait for appium/android (#141)

Bug fixes

  • (26586f1) fix(start): wait for emulated android to really be ready before signaling (#161)

    Before, we were just waiting for the emulator to be running, rather than waiting for the OS to be booted up and ready to instance chrome. While I was doing that I moved some stuff into lib/utils.ts since I felt like too much of lib/cmds/start.ts was being devoted to this one feature. Also closes

  • (a7c6eb5) fix(update/android): 2a1505f broke android
  • (3ee3e1a) fix(fs): path.join does not handle absolute paths as desired (#152)
  • (deead0f) fix(downloader): destroy the request after receiving the header (#144)

    Otherwise we’ll won’t terminate until the whole file was downloaded, even though we don’t need it.

  • (c16bf90) chore(es6): allow to use es6 promises (#160)

    • with node 6 on LTS, we can update the tsconfig to es6
    • update travis tests to use node 6 and 7


  • Since 10.2.9 produced breaking changes, released as version 11.0.0
  • Version 10.2.8 is the same as 10.2.10 due to issue #170.



  • (1f9713a) feat(start and shutdown): Added --detach option for start command and new shutdown command (#130)

  • (88cf46b) feat(version): have a way to get the package version (#136)

    closes #119

Bug fixes

  • (5966b6a) fix(cli): fix setting flag to false (#135)

    • This fixes webdriver-manager update --gecko=false
    • This does not fix webdriver-manager update --gecko=0. Minimist interprets 0 as true.
    • Add options and programs unit tests closes #110
  • (35676ee) fix(gecko): follow redirects for content-length (#133)



  • (66776a0) feat(start): add way to programmatically detect when the selenium server is running (#120)

Bug fixes

  • (dc2f9f9) fix(cli): fix default option values, boolean and string handling (#110) (#122)

    • default option values initialize properly for minimist
    • user-supplied boolean-type option values respected
    • string-type option values are always strings
    • simplify boolean-type option value access
  • (88d6105) fix(gecko): Update geckodriver to 0.11.0 and fix suffixes. (#128)

    Fixes #111

  • (707e015) fix(android): fixed four things for android: (#116)

    • Make appium default to 1.6.0 (Android N didn't work on 1.5.x)
    • Make virtual devices default to google_apis
    • Don't delete old virtual devices on update
    • Update documentation
  • (9fe4b22) fix typo in webdriver-manager/spec/files (#125)



  • (f892ec4) chore(chromedriver): update chromedriver version to 2.25


Bug Fixes

  • (b103850) fix(update): fix undefined gecko getBoolean error (#113)

    closes #107

  • (7fbacf5) fix(start): set the port when standalone server starts

    closes #106


Bug Fixes

  • (3984ea4) fix(filemanager): respect proxy/ignoreSSL options in contentLength HEAD request (#101)
  • (946ee00) fix(chrome_driver): use the x64 binary if chrome driver version is greater than 2.23 (#95)

    • fix(chrome_driver): use the x64 binary if chrome driver version is greater than 2.23
    • fix(chrome_driver): add semver to better determine version number
    • refactor(chrome_driver): check first to see if we have valid semver or not

    closes #93

  • (b183fad) fix(filemanager): Binaries can be downloaded from a custom CDN with alternate_cdn(#97)

    closes #96



Bug Fixes

  • (fa48354) fix(downloader): fix against working proxy (#87)

  • (d6597e8) fix(start): add the correct flags for windows (#83)

    closes #68

  • (c96090c) fix(update): download standalone with proxy and ignore ssl (#81)

    closes #79


  • (7ec082a) feat(start): add a gecko driver path to the start command (#86)


  • (fe85c94) dep(types): update typescript, remove typings in favor of @types (#84)


Bug Fixes

  • (236a8ec) fix(downloader): increase timeouts and unlink sync on download errors (#75)

    closes #62 and #63

  • (fa20ca8) fix(start): check if edge driver exists before adding to args (#73)

    closes #60

  • (8b61b71) fix(start): use ie32 if specified via command line (#72)

    closes #68


  • (8346858) feat(logging): add logging property to selenium standalone (#76)

    closes #61

  • (18f9f1d) chore(selenium): add dev/urandom to selenium start args to prevent startup delays in linux


upgrade to latest chrome driver and selenium standalone server versions


  • (aa1b8b7) feat(ios): iOS support (#57)


Bug Fixes

  • (81c2aa3) fix(iedriver): download url fix for iedriver (#54)

    closes #53


  • (57372eb) feat(edge): add Microsoft Edge support in CLI (#56)

    closes #55

  • (d937245) feat(android): support android


Dependency Upgrades

  • (970167a) dep(typings): update typings (#42)

Bug Fixes

  • (5073e23) fix(folder): fix selenium folder location (#43)


Bug Fixes

  • (d3724fb) fix(config): simplify locating configuration file, selenium folder (#41)

    • Let the bin file decide which webdriver-manager to use
    • Use the configuration file / package from the default position
    • Selenium folder will always be located to webdriver-manager/selenium/


Bug Fixes

  • (5bca026) fix(config): configuration file local look up when used as a dependency (#33)

    closes #32

  • (0cfcc88) fix(binary): Fix typo in fallback case when chalk isn't available.


Bug Fixes

  • (a6f1edd) fix(global): fix finding config.json for global installs and release 10.0.1 (#23)


Bug Fixes

  • (70d32df) fix(dir): check selenium dir and warn user that the folder does not exist (#17)

  • (0ec1443) fix(binary): file type, unzipping, and permissions

    closes #7, #16

  • (a073fd0) fix(npm): use global, local, and project without env

    closes #20

  • (6ccb9d8) fix(versions): versions option should stay consistent with existing webdriver-manager

    closes #6

  • (c34b05c) fix(bin): local, project, and global usage

  • (4a0caf5) fix(dep): fix dependency for chalk

  • (15ae0e8) fix(chmod): set permissions to 755

(1820fbc) Initial commit


  • (374c3e7) feat(length): on update, check to see the file is the correct length

    closes #8

  • (8c47291) feat(local): use the local version of webdriver-tool if it is installed

    closes #5

  • (f0622d2) feat(logs): add chrome logs command line option

closes #11

  • (3b30312) feat(logger): update logging methods (#5)